Contact Us

You have an inquiry about our offerings of ftp hosting plans, or just like to share with us your comments and suggestions in respect to our services? Feel free to contact our Customer service team at any time using the Contact Us form below. Simply fill in your name, contact details (email, country, etc.) and then specify the subject of your inquiry/suggestion and what it is exactly about. Please keep in mind that the more detailed your question is, the more relevant the answer we give will be.

Online Form

All fields must be filled out except for the ones marked as optional.

24/7 Support Center

You can access our Support Center at

After using the system You will receive an automated email with a copy of your request and a ticket number.

Normally tickets are answered the same day, usually within a few hours. Tickets are addressed in the order they are received, so please wait patiently and you should have a response shortly. Some problems are more complicated and we will need extra time to investigate and solve your issue. We appreciate your patience while we take care of the issue at hand for you.

Mailing address

ul. Szubinska 101E
86-005 Białe Błota